In the Garden

Heirloom tomatoes:  Black Prince, Brandywine, Green Zebra, Amish Paste and Costoluto Genovese are just a selection of the 40+ heirloom varieties I grow.

Basil:  Genovese and Italian Large Leaf, rich in flavourful oil that can only come from growing in this dry, hot region.

Cucumbers:  Manny, Lemon, and Suyo Long; all grown for their sweet flavour and tender, edible skin. 

Beans: Borlotti, Dragon tongue and of course Favas for all your fresh, snappy dishes.

Cardoon: Not for the faint of heart, but worth the effort and a true Italian delicacy.

Onions:  Walla Walla sweet....need I say more?

Eggplants:  Rosa Bianca, Listada de Gandia and Traviata...I stick with the Italians who seem to know a thing or two about the aubergine.

Hot Peppers:  Joe's Long Cayenne, Sugar Rush Peach and Buena Mulata are just some of the hot peppers I grow, varying in heat and sweetness for a subtle to big kick in your cooking.

Zucchini:  Romanesco and Goldmine are my favourites...creamy and tender

Squash:  Red Kuri, Blue Hokkaido and, dense, orange, and lovely

Radicchio:  A bitter surprise to any dish

In the Orchard

Cherries:  many varieties such as Vans, Bings, and Lamberts to extend the season for the sweetest fruit North of the 49th

Plums:  an amazing variety of plums beginning with the earliest, Mirabelle, to the grand, old favourite Prune Plum.  In between, I offer Black Amber, Shiro, Friar, and Elephant Heart.

Peaches:   From Early Red Haven to Harbright to Oh Henry, the season of peaches is pure dreamland

Apricots:   Velvet in texture; the earthiest of fruits

Pears:  D’Anjou and Boscs to welcome autumn

Apples:   Summer Reds to Winter Russets...a large selection to prepare you for winter.